Tuesday 10 February 2015

A man may learn wit everyday!

First of all, we would like to ask you something: do you like tea? Today's idiom has to do with that traditional British meal, that is: NOT MY CUP OF TEA.

1. Meaning
  • If something is not your cup of tea, it is not what you like or what you are not interested in.
2. Example

3. Use
  • It is often used with "really", which acts as a softener.
    • Geography is not my cup of tea - I do not like Geography
    • Geography is not really my cup of tea - I do not like Geography very much
Can you see the difference? Have you ever heard this idiomatic expression? Now, you can sound very "native" whenever you use it. Hope you put it into practice! See you tomorrow!
Eemj ;)

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