Sunday 15 February 2015

Bla Bla Bla ...

Good afternoon guys!! We definitely hate Sundays! They are so long, sad, and boring... Don't you think so? Because of that, today, we propose you a more dynamic activity with which you can practie the present simple and past simple speaking about different famous people. Hope you have fun! 

Eemj ;)

SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Describe each of the characters below and explain to your mates why they are nowadays famous.

                    Francisco Nicolás                                     Mark Zuckeberg        

                   Violetta                                              Jennifer Lawrence       

               Justin Bieber                                          Miley Cyrus

** Useful voc.
  • She/he is a......
  • She/he is ...... years old.
  • She/he lives in.....
  • He/she also was....
  • He/ she is famous because...
  • He/she created....
  • Singer/actor/inventor...

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