Sunday 22 February 2015

Describing Charts & Graphs

Well guys, in this new section on vocabulary we will try to show some useful vocabulary you may need if you are ever asked to write a composition in which you have to describe data represented in different sorts of charts and graphs... one of the most difficult sorts of tasks we have been asked to when we were studying English. Thus, we really hope this section will be useful to you!

Eemj ;)

1. Types of charts

  • Pie charts: They are use to show/represent percentajes.

  • Bar charts: They are frequently used to compare different sets of information.

2. Useful vocabulary for describing charts:
  • Trend: General tendency or direction of the chart (an upwoard/downward trend).
             - UP (nouns): a raise, an increase, growth, an improvement, a jump, a surge. 
             - UP (verbs): rise, increase, grow, go up improve, jump, surge, soar, rocket.
             - DOWN (nouns): fall, decrease, drop, decline, go down, slump. 
             - DOWN (verbs): a fall, a decrease, a decline, a slump.
             - NO CHANGE: remain stable/constant, stay at the same level, stabilize.
  • ADJETIVES: dramatic, considerable, sharp, significant, moderate, slight, sudden, gradual...
  • ADVERBS: dramatically, considerably, sharply, significantly, rapidly, gradually, slowly...
            *The pie chart is about...
            *The bar chart deals with...
            *The line graph shows...
            *The chart is divided into... parts.
            *It highlights....
            *.... has the largest number of....
            *The number .... inceases/decreases by...
            *The number.... does not change/remains stable.
            * It is really surprising/shocking that...
            *So it is possible to say that...

We think that the information above is enough for you to write your own composition describing charts. Click here to go to the writing activityWRITING ACTIVITY                              

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