Saturday 7 February 2015

Reading is dreaming with open eyes...

Hi guys! As you may know, reading is one of the most important skills that may be developed to learn and understand English. This is the reason why we propose you a series of reading activities in this new section. Hope you find it useful! Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any doubt!

Eemj ;)

READING 1: Vamping Teenagers Are Up All Night Texting

1.   According to the text above, are the following statements true or false? Justify your answer.

a.       Owen sneaks his cellphone at nights because he considers that, at this time, he can find more people on the social networks.
b.      Owen complains for not having too much time for him.  
c.       Owen likes to watch Youtube tutorial in order to learn to play the guitar. 
d.      He also likes to upload music to SoundCloud, to text with people and to notify his Twitter followers.                                                                             
e.       The term vamping has been given to these sorts of teenagers by the academics but teenagers do not use it at all.                    
f.       One of the main reasons for students to connect to the Internet at nights is that they are reacting to overbooked schedules packed with sports, music lessons and homework that give them less free time to pursue personal interests.        
g.       Peer-pressure does not affect on teenagers’ use of social networks at nights.  
h.      Kik is an acronym use by parents to describe their sons’ behaviour.               

2.      Look in the text the appropriate word for the following definitions and provide an example in which these words would be used:

a.       A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark, used to denote the topic of a post.
b.      Term used to refer to those teenagers that tend to use their phones at nights.
c.       A person who follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief; disciple or adherent.
d.      To go in a sly way so as not to be seen or noticed.
e.       A website on which subscribers can post video files.
f.       A photograph taken by pointing a camera at oneself.
g.       To send a text message from a mobile phone.
h.      Instant messenger app.
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