Saturday 28 February 2015

Writing is the painting of the voice...

Hello guys! How is the weekend going? We are a little bit boring and looking forward to knowing more about all of you. Thus, just as a way to do so we propose you a new writing activity: Describe yoursel.
Yet, as we said at the beginning of this blog, we want you to do it a different and funny way. Therefore, in order to get so, we provide you with some games that will make you aware of how to write your own descrition as well as of different vocabulary and information you can use to write your desciption in the most accurate way. Hope you really like it and find it useful! 

Eemj ;)

1. Games to learn how to describe yourself. 

2. Write your own description step by step
3. Example

  • Identify your audience: followers of the blog.
  • Create a list of your characteristics: blonde, long hair, green eyes, thin, happy, friendly, nice, responsible... 
  • Create a list of your interests: study English, play volleyball, love travelling, like reading and listening to music...
  • Edit your description:
           My name is Elena. I'm 22 years old. I am blonde, I have long hair and green eyes and I'm quite thin and medium height. I consider myself to be happy, quite nice and responsible as well as a really friendly person: I love being with my friends and relatives. I have studied English and, in my free time, I like reading and listening to music as well as doing exercise. Particularly, I love playing volleyball. Besides, when I have money enough to do so, I love travelling abroad... I've been to India, China, USA... 

Now, it is your turn to describe yourself! Share with us who and how you are! ;)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

A man may learn wit everyday

Hi guys! How are you today? Are you ready for learning a new idiomatic expression? Our choice for today is: TO BE FULL OF THE JOYS OF SPRING.
1. Meaning
  • To be very happy.
  • To be full of energy.
2. Example
Have you ever been full of the joys of spring? Tell us!!
Eemj ;)

Monday 23 February 2015

How good are you at listening??

Hi again guys! Today we propose you a new sort of activity that has been designed for you to keep developing your listening skills in your own. Hope you find it useful!


Listen to the recording above and try to choose the correct answer for each of questions proposed in the following quiz:

Share your results with us... let's see who is the best at listening! ;)
(Image from:


Hi guys! Do you want to review the uses of the past simple and past continuous? Listen to the song and check if you have understood how to use each of them. Good luck!

Eemj ;)

Sunday 22 February 2015

Describing Charts & Graphs

Well guys, in this new section on vocabulary we will try to show some useful vocabulary you may need if you are ever asked to write a composition in which you have to describe data represented in different sorts of charts and graphs... one of the most difficult sorts of tasks we have been asked to when we were studying English. Thus, we really hope this section will be useful to you!

Eemj ;)

1. Types of charts

  • Pie charts: They are use to show/represent percentajes.

  • Bar charts: They are frequently used to compare different sets of information.

2. Useful vocabulary for describing charts:
  • Trend: General tendency or direction of the chart (an upwoard/downward trend).
             - UP (nouns): a raise, an increase, growth, an improvement, a jump, a surge. 
             - UP (verbs): rise, increase, grow, go up improve, jump, surge, soar, rocket.
             - DOWN (nouns): fall, decrease, drop, decline, go down, slump. 
             - DOWN (verbs): a fall, a decrease, a decline, a slump.
             - NO CHANGE: remain stable/constant, stay at the same level, stabilize.
  • ADJETIVES: dramatic, considerable, sharp, significant, moderate, slight, sudden, gradual...
  • ADVERBS: dramatically, considerably, sharply, significantly, rapidly, gradually, slowly...
            *The pie chart is about...
            *The bar chart deals with...
            *The line graph shows...
            *The chart is divided into... parts.
            *It highlights....
            *.... has the largest number of....
            *The number .... inceases/decreases by...
            *The number.... does not change/remains stable.
            * It is really surprising/shocking that...
            *So it is possible to say that...

We think that the information above is enough for you to write your own composition describing charts. Click here to go to the writing activityWRITING ACTIVITY                              

Writing is the painting of the voice...

Hi again guys!!!
As you have seen in the previous vocabulary section, you have been provided with information enough to be able to write your own composition describing charts. Thus, try to write a composition (150-200 words) using the information you have been shown describing the charts below. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Eemj ;) 

Saturday 21 February 2015

A man may learn wit everyday!!

Night guys! What are you planning to do tonight? Just in case you prefer to stay at home and keep learning English, we have a new idiomatic expression for you to learn: TO HAVE ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS! 

1. Meaning: 
  • A state of restless impatience. People who have ants in their pants are said to be very restless or excited about something that is about to happen.
2. Example: 
Now it's your turn, tell us: what sorts of things make you have ants in your pants? 
Have fun tonight and take care guys! See you...

Eemj ;)

Discovering London!! A reinforcement activity...

Hy guys! Today we propose you a different sort of activity! Today, you may read a paper about London and once you have read and understoo it you may complete the different activities you  will find at the end of the attached document. Hope you learn a lot about London as well as about the English language, which is our main aim! Have fun! 

Eemj ;)

Friday 20 February 2015

A man may learnt wit everyday!

Hi guys! How are you today? Today's choice is: LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

1. Meaning
  • Falling in love with someone the first time you see him/her.
2. Example

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? Tell us about it, we love gossip!! Eemj ;)

Bla Bla Bla...

What's up guys!! How are you doing with the blog? Do you think it is being useful for you to keep practicing an learning English? Hope it is...
Today, in order to provide you with new activities that help you to learn new grammatical aspects of the language as well as to keep developing your speaking and conversing skills we propose you two new speaking activities related to the present perfect tense.

Eemj ;)

1. WHOLE CLASS ACTIVITYGo around the class and ask the students questions to find some who… (complete the table below) Write the student’s name and the question you have used to get the information in the spaces provided. As you can see, this first activity must be performed when you are in class or outside if your are with a large group of people. 


Has ever drastically changed her/his hair style

Has ever ridden an animal

Has ever been in the United Kingdom

Has ever been in the United States of America

Has ever travelled abroad

Has ever been on the beach

Has ever visited a museum

Has seen a musical

Has seen Harry Potter

Has read Jane Austen

Has met a famous person

Has ever played football

Has ever bought a phone

Has ever posted on Facebook

Has ever had an online problem

Has vamped this week

Has lied to his/her parents

Has ever listen to U2

Has ever listen to Justin Bieber

Has ever read about One Direction

Has read a book this month

Has ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend

Has ever post a tweet

Has taken a selfie this week

Has been to a summer camp this holiday

Has visited his/her grandparents this weekend

Has ever gone to a disco

Has ever sent/received a love letter

Has ever failed an exam

Has used Instagram today

Has sent a Whatsapp this morning

Has cheated on someone through the social networks

Has enjoyed this game

2.  In pairs, ask each other questions using the pictures on the right and the prompts below. The possible answers are:

Yes, I have. or No, I'haven't.
Yes, s/he has. or No, s/he hasn't.
If the answer is "yes", share your story.

Have you ever lost your shoes?
Yes, I have. I usually lose them in my room.

a. you/lose?
b. family member/eat?
c. you/play?
d. your friend/ be to? 
e. you/climb?
f. you/go'

Thursday 19 February 2015

A man may learn wit everyday!

Hiya guys! Our choice for today is: the icing on the cake.

1. Meaning
  • If something is THE ICING ON THE CAKE, or THE FROSTING ON THE CAKE, it makes a good situation or a good result even better.
2. Examples

3. Note
The icing on the cake is used more in British and Australian English, while the frosting on the cake is used more in American English.

Do you find useful our section? Hope you do! Eemj :)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

American vs. British Vocabulary

Hi guys! Are you PECKISH (hungry) right now? Because we really are!! 
Today it's time for American vs. British Vocabulary section 2 in which we want to show you how the name of some food differ from British to American English. Let's see!

Eemj ;)

American vs. English Vocabulary 2: FOOD

Now, why don't you help us to find the equivalents for the following words? 

A man may learn wit everyday!

Morning people! How is the week going? Let's keep learning some idiomatic expressions we're sure that will be useful for you when speaking English. Today's choice is ON CLOUD NINE. Have you ever heard it before??

1. Meaning:
  •     An expression you use to show that you are really happy because something wonderful has       happened. 
2. Example:

3. Opposite expression: To be down in the mouth - to feel really unhappy, discouraged or depressed. 

Eemj ;)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

A man may learn wit everyday!

Hi guys! How are you today? Our choice for today is: USE YOUR LOAF!.

1. Meaning
  • It is used to tell someone in a slightly angry way to pay more attention in what  he/she is doing.
2. Example

Can you give us any example using this idiomatic expression?
See you tomorrow! Eemj ;)